UX design made simple

Ogaga john
5 min readJul 19, 2022


An introduction to user experience design

What we would be going through…

  • What is UX Design
  • The UX design process
  • Difference between UI and UX design
  • Why is UX Design Important
  • key principles of UX design
  • UX best practices
  • How to get Started

What exactly is User Experience (UX) Design

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

Experience Design affects the overall different user experiences. UX Design is studying user behaviour and understanding user motivations with the goal of designing better digital experiences. you can also say User experience (UX) design is the process of building products that are easy and enjoyable for people to use. UX is an iterative process of constant improvement

Core Elements of UX Actually is
*User Research *Interaction Design *Observation Usability
*User Testing *Copywriting *Prototyping *Information Architecture
*Empathy *Communication *Collaboration

The UX Design Process

You can easily break down the UX design processes is 4 short stages

Stage 1: Understand
Stage 2: Research
Stage 3: Analyze
Stage 4: Design & Iterate

Stage 1: Understand

you need to get the basics down first. Before you get started with any project, you need to get the basics down first. That means understanding two crucial elements:
1. The user you are designing for
2. The brand/ industry

Since designing for the user experience is all about addressing your user’s pain points, you need to answer the question:

  1. What’s their problem?
  2. What issue are you trying to solve for your user?
  3. What are your company’s values and mission?
  4. How does this project contribute to that goal?

Stage 2: Research

Now you understand the project you are working on, you need to conduct research

After you know that this project is in line with your core mission, and you know what questions you’re trying to solve, your next step is to conduct
1. User interviews
2. Surveys & questionnaire
3. Quantitative & Qualitative analysis

More on UX research methods

Stage 3: Analyze

Distil the most important elements. In this stage, you’ll be using all of the information you gathered in the previous two stages to analyze and distil the most important elements.

1. User Persona
2. User Flow
3. Information Architecture

Let's talk briefly about each one.

User Persona

A user character is a semi-fictional character or a character based on the current or ideal customer/user. People can create especially after the research phase

User persona example
User Persona: Concept, Types and Benefits — Voxco

User Flow

User flows define user behaviour within a product and map every step a user takes (from the entry point to the final interaction).

User Flow.pdf | DocDroid

Information Architecture

Information architecture (AI) focuses on organizing, structuring and categorizing content in an efficient and sustainable way.
Its purpose
is to help users find information and complete tasks.

Information Architecture for Web Design: Step by Step Guide | AltexSoft

Difference between UI and UX design

Difference between ui and ux design
UI vs. UX Design: What’s the Difference? | Coursera
What is UX Design? Differences Between UX and UI Design | Columbia Engineering Boot Camps

Why is UX design important

UX Design is an investment. Investing in the user experience will help you create a valuable product that solves problems for your users and helps them reach their goals.

  • Convert more users
  • Drive adoption
  • Boost customer retention and loyalty

Poor user experience will cost you customers

If users aren’t satisfied with their experience with your product — if it’s difficult for them to navigate

key principles of UX design

1. The user comes first (always)

Good UX design focuses on the user’s needs in all decisions. The products help users achieve their goals and solve problems as quickly and easily as possible. Every part of the design, every change and every new function derives from this.

2. Simplicity, hierarchy, and consistency

A simple, hierarchical and consistent UX design allows users to quickly and easily find what they want and do what they want.

Where possible, the product should use the simplest design, version and steps to get where the user wants to go.

3. Functionality first, then design

A good user experience means helping users to do as much as possible what they want on the site or app. This is the ultimate goal. This means that clarity and functionality are always our top priorities. The design itself shouldn’t create or slow down the user’s life.

UX design best practices

  • Start with a deep understanding of users and their intention
  • Develop a plan for how users should experience your product
  • Monitor user behaviour for signs of friction, and eliminate blockers

How to get started

  • Start now before anything else
  • Learn the fundamental
  • Train your design sense

Resources to leverage on

Fun UX Design Challenge (try if you dare)

Shopping online can be fun and interesting.
But have you ever got stuck when trying to pay for what you bought? It’s frustrating urgh!!. It’s a disappointing experience when you have to leave a shopping site because the check-out experience was not simple to get through.

How can you help customers finish and pay for items they shop for?

Redesign the checkout experience of this e-commerce site. Simply design an experience that makes it easy for customers to make payments for items they wish to buy

  • User persona
  • User Flow
  • Information Architecture
  • Wireframe

You can submit it directly to my email → ogagajohn.oj@gmail.com or send me a Twitter DM @johnogaga4 …. good luck

Thank you for reading this far. I hope you learnt something awesome! cheers



Ogaga john

User Experience (UX) Designer creating user-centred products | User Interface (UI) Designer | Creative Graphics Designer